How to Help Our Family and Friends Overcome Challenging Times

How to Help Our Family and Friends Overcome Challenging Times

Help our family – a practical and easy-to-do method for helping our loved ones overcome challenging times.

We all have experienced a strong desire to help a loved one in challenging times. Whether this is a friend who fights overweight, a cousin who struggles with finding a job, or a sibling who needs medical treatment, we all have heard the silent appeal for help. In such cases, we often want to jump, take their hands, and assist in every possible way. But in how many instances were we truly successful?

Could you remember the last time you saw a family member or a friend in distress who wanted to help them but did not know how to? How did you feel? What did you do? What did you want to do? Were you successful?

Let’s bring the discussion even further. How many times have you heard/read that we cannot change others? And that we cannot even want others to change? Have these statements made you feel powerless and hopeless? They surely made me feel this way.

Whether it was a close friend, a family member or a student, I wished I could help them. But, either I did not know how to approach the subject, or they did not want to take my help.

It seemed confusing and contradicting. On one hand, I knew I could serve others and help them live happily. On the other hand, I knew I could not want change for them.

This made me ask the question: How can we help our family and friends overcome challenging times without interfering and wanting to change them?

In this article, I share the simple answer to our desire to be in service to others without interfering with their spiritual growth and life lessons.

How Can We Help Others?

Indeed, we cannot help others by wanting them to change. It is also true that we cannot change others regardless of how much we believe they need to do so. And yet, when we see others struggling, we can help them go through their lesson quicker.

This could be done through the following 3-step visualization process.

Step 1: Set the intention to help our family member or a friend

Often, we project our insecurities to others. We see their imperfections and decide that they need to change so they can fit our limited understanding of perfection.

For example, we might notice a friend who struggles with their weight. The health issues appear to evoke a compassion-like feeling in us and a strong need to “fix” them. We might even run a laundry list of limited beliefs and negative behaviours that led to their struggles. Don’t be mistaken, however. This “laundry list” is nothing more than our judgment of others.

As long as we judge others and do not accept them for who they are, we come from a state of fear and low vibration. In such cases, we cannot help anyone but ourselves.

To be of service, we have to come from a state of love. That is why, the first step is to set our intentions to help others.

This could be easily done through journaling or quiet meditation. To do so, simply answer the question: Why do I want to help my loved one?

Is it because you want them to change? Do you judge them and their life choices? Do you feel responsible and guilty for their current situation? Or, you want to support them because you want them to be happy. Do you hear the call for help and want to assist in the healing process?

“My intention is to help my loved one raise their vibration so they can connect and receive Divine guidance.”

Take your time and reflect on your true reason for wanting to help. If you feel like it, meditate and even ask your Higher Self for assistance. Be open to serving your highest purpose by wishing love and happiness to all. Ask your guides to inspire you to accept others and their life lessons. Be open to the idea that all you have to do is help your family member or friend to raise their vibration, quiet their minds and receive guidance from their Higher Selves.

Step 2: Visualize them in peace

Once you are clear on your true intentions for being in service, you know you come from a state of love.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to quiet your mind.

Visualize your loved one in white comfortable clothes, sitting in a meditation pose (i.e., cross-legged, straight back, and with palms resting on their knees). See them as if you are standing at a distance. Stay quiet and observe them meditating. Feel the presence of their Higher Self, Divine guiding teams and angels. Witness their stillness and peacefulness.

Do not interfere, and do not ask their guides for help. Just remain in a state of high vibrational frequency and feel the Divine love. Trust that your loved one is taken care of. Know that everyone comes with their own life lessons and their own Divine guidance and support teams. Just like you!

Spend no more than 3 to 5 minutes visualizing each day. If you spend more time, you risk your mind to take over or start controlling the process. Just sit, observe, and trust in the Divine order. Repeat this exercise daily for as long as you feel like – a couple of days, a week, a month.

That is all it takes.

Step 3: Give a prayer of appreciation

When you come from a state of pure love and high vibration, you know that the Universe is taking care of your family and friends. Close the visualization by giving a prayer of appreciation. Be thankful to the Universe for the opportunity to help others raise their vibration and allow Divine healing.

“Thank you, Universe, for guiding me to help my friend raise their vibration and allow Divine healing! Thank you for using me as an instrument of love!”

When we appreciate something, we acknowledge it. The same applies to when we visualize the well-being of our family members and friends. When we purposefully imagine that our loved one is connected with their Divine team and receives Divine help and healing, we do so believing that it is true. To further affirm this belief, feel the gratitude you would feel when your family member or friend is truly healed.

Help Our Family
Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Do not have any expectations for the outcome

Finally, remember that the only way you can help is by assisting your loved one to raise their vibration. It is not up to you to decide the best course of action, approach or outcome. It is up to the soul and their pre-determined path.

That is why, it is very important not to dwell on the outcome. Trust the Universe to provide the best possible solutions that serve your loved one’s highest good. You have done your part; now, leave the rest to the Divine power and love. This is one of the greatest ways of being in service.

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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