Being Alone on the Spiritual Path

Alone on the Spiritual Path

Alone on the spiritual path: Discover why we are often alone on the spiritual path, what it means, what the benefits are, and how to use them to our advantage.

Remember the last time when you read a new book on a spiritual or self-help topic? Or the last self-healing course you took? Did you have someone to share the knowledge and experience with? Were you able to discuss long and wide the concepts and techniques that you’ve just learned about? Or, you felt alone?

Very often, when we are undergoing an important, milestone-type of spiritual transformation, we find ourselves in isolation. Even when we are surrounded by well-meaning loved ones, friends, colleagues or even other fellow soulmates, we are not able to share our thoughts, inspirations, and challenges. Interestingly enough, we often feel a calling to start coaching others to do the same, but our efforts somehow remain fruitless. And there is a good reason for that.

In this article, I present some of the reasons why we walk the last mile alone and give some valuable tips on how to deal with our callings to help others.

Why do we want to share our successes with others?

As souls, in the non-physical world, we exist and create collectively. Likewise, when living in the physical world of our beautiful planet Earth, we also tend to live in groups (i.e., families, friends, communities, cities, etc.). This explains why we are often drawn to share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others. Whenever we experience something good, we want our loved ones to know it and even to achieve the same. This explains why when we notice the slightest improvement in our lives, we cannot wait to share it with others and teach them “the secret”.

This is a natural reaction that comes from our inner desire to be surrounded by happy people. As if we are serving our highest purpose by making sure that our family members and closest friends are accomplishing the same miraculous transformations as us.

The spiritual transformation

When it comes to spiritual transformation, however, it is important to remember that we are all unique beings with unique needs and abilities. This is mainly due to our differences in experiences, perceptions and predetermined paths.

To add to the complexity, we need to consider the fact that we all have free will. Although it might seem logical to go in a certain direction, it is up to us to take the first step. Moreover, whatever decision we make, it is always based on our understanding of what is best for us. No one knows better than us what we are going through, what are some of our limitations and beliefs.

By all means, the same applies to other people as well. Only they could know what is truly going on in their lives at the moment.

Why Are We Alone on the Spiritual Path

In other words, for our highest good, we are often alone on the spiritual path. And, two of the main reasons are that: (1) we do not want to lose focus, and (2) we do not want others to influence us.

We Do Not Want to Lose Focus

Alone on the Spiritual Path
Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash

Any transformation requires knowledge, skills and effort. This applies to spiritual transformation as well. That is, we’d need to do some self-discovery work and face our fears and/or limiting beliefs. We’d also need to release many of our habits and replace them with new ones.

As soon as we release even the smallest limitation, our lives improve. This does not mean that our work is done. Not at all. It simply indicates that whatever we do works, so we can keep going. In such moments, it is very important to stay focused and use momentum.

The Ego – Our Most dedicated bodyguard

Our ego, however, might see the entire process as “hard work, sweat and tears.” The extra efforts and resources we use are often seen by the ego as threats to our physical survival. For example, if you are spending money to purchase a wellness course, the ego sees this as money not spent on shelter or food. Whenever we do mental cleaning work, the ego worries that our emotions might prevent us from assuring our safety. While we focus on our spiritual well-being, the ego concentrates on our physical survival. The paradox is that sometimes the ego sees the extra work as a danger.

No wonder, when we meet a friend and share our experiences, the ego jumps at the opportunity to divert our focus. It is safer for us if others transform. And it is easier. Since no changes are expected to occur, there is nothing to worry about. Or at least that’s what our ego loves to tell us.

But this does not help, does it? So, one of the easiest ways to prevent the ego from interfering is by completing the transformational process alone.

Since it is so easy to switch our attention from us to our friends, our higher self, guardian angel and guides do everything they can to clear our path. In fact, one of the biggest Divine gifts is to be alone, as this facilitates and even speeds up the process.

We Do Not Want Others To Influence Us

Just like we want to teach others what and how to do, others want to teach us what they know. And, just like you wouldn’t know what is best for them, they wouldn’t know what is best for you either. As we already discussed earlier, only you know what is going on inside you and what is best for you.

When we work on ourselves, we often need to consult experts and/or our Divine guides. In such cases, the help we receive is tailored to our specific circumstances and abilities to release old patterns and adopt new ones. This is valuable and often necessary.

When we share with family and friends, however, the advice we receive is often influenced by the biases of the advisor. It is not to suggest that others’ opinions are inaccurate but that these are inapplicable.

Alone on the Spiritual Path
Photo by Jesse Bowser on Unsplash

For example, if you are struggling with being overweight, it might be because you have the deep-rooted belief that food is never enough. At the same time, your friend might be overweight because of the lack of love and self-approval. Same issue, two different causes requiring two different solutions. If you listen to your friend’s recommendations, you would surely feel better about yourself, but the belief that food is never enough will remain. Get the idea?

Again, to assure our success, the Universe often places us alone on the spiritual path. This does not mean that we should not seek or accept help from others. This simply implies that we should be cautious not to be influenced by others’ limitations and traumas.

Going forward

So, next time when you find yourself alone on the spiritual path, remember that this is for your highest good. Instead of swimming against the current, relax and know that everything works for you. Remember that it is in your best interest to keep your focus on your own journey. I am sure the results will surprise and delight you in a way that couldn’t even imagine.

And, if you need help or find the path too dark, call on your Higher Self and guardian angel. They are helping in every possible way and would gladly reassure you of their support and Divine love.

This often makes me think: Are we really alone on the spiritual path? 😉

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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