How to Attract More Money in Your Life

Attract more money in your life with this simple guide

Attract more money – all it takes is to realize the substance of money and the law of attraction (although the last one is optional).

If you struggle with making money, keeping money or a combination of both, then, this article is for you. Often, we fail to manifest our desires simply because we don’t understand their substance. Once you gain clarity on what money is and how it operates, nothing will stand on your way to manifesting absolute abundance and prosperity.

(Note: this article is for educational/informative purpose only. Always consider chatting with your professional adviser before making an important decision.)

The purpose of money

Not that you don’t know this already, but let’s quickly review the purpose of money. This step will help you understand the concepts that will follow later in the article.

In simple words, money is a mean of exchange. As John R. Price put it in his book, The Abundance Book, money is merely a token of appreciation.

Let’s say you are a jewelry maker and you just made a beautiful necklace. At the same time, let’s say a woman is looking for a beautiful necklace for her new dress. You are willing to give the handmade necklace to the woman in exchange for something equally valuable – money. It is clear that you give the peace of jewelry and receive money. At the same time, the woman gives money and receive the desired necklace. So, in this example, you earned/made/manifested money.

Let’s flip the coin now. Let’s say, you want a new pair of shoes. You go to the store, give money and get your dream pair of shoes. So, in this example, you had money at your disposal and you exchange it for something valuable/desirable.

This exchange of valuables can also be summarized in terms of:
– Cash inflow – you exchange your gifts for money
– Cash outflow – you exchange money for other people’s gifts

It is that simple. No strings attached.

Attracting More Money – The Cash Inflow

By definition, to get money, you need to give something (i.e., the exchange). This something could be your talent/skills, your handy work, a product you made, an object you have, your time, your high grades (if you are a student), and more. For simplicity, I will call these things, you gifts. The more valuable your gift is, the more money it can attract.

But, there is also another very important variable in this equation – your willingness and readiness to exchange your gift. In other words, you may have something really valuable that could be exchanged for a lot of money, but unless you are willing to give it away, it would not result in cash inflow.

Some examples
Example 1 – you have a valuable gift which you are willing and ready to exchange

Say you work as a financial analyst. All day long, you use Excel to create pivot tables and charts, use complex vlookup and sumif formulas to modify and summarize data. The purpose of your work is to give answers to people who need to make financial decisions. In this case, you have two valuable gifts – your Excel skills and your time. On top of that, you are willing to share your gifts five days a week for about eight hours a day. In exchange for these two gifts, you are compensated with a salary.

Example 2 – you have a valuable gift which you are neither willing nor ready to exchange

Another example could be your antique clock. The clock has been with the family for 4 generations. Every time you look at it, it reminds you of the heartwarming time spent with your grandparents. You even remember the time when you baked your first pie and were always picking at the clock to make sure you wouldn’t overbake you pie. This clock is valuable to you because of the memories. After a quick research, you also discover that the clock is very expensive. It could bring a lot cash. Regardless, you are neither ready nor willing to exchange the family clock for anything. There will be no cash inflow.

Example 3 – you have a valuable gift which you are willing but not ready to exchange

A third example. Let’s say, you are dressmaker. Currently, you are designing and creating a gorgeous new model. You pour your talent and time into making it and deem it very valuable. You are also willing, even more than willing to exchange it, but… you are not ready to do so yet. There are still some minor details that need to be added before the dress and you are ready. There will be no cash inflow yet.

Example 4 – you have a gift which you are willing and ready to exchange but don’t deem it valuable

In our last example, let’s say you clean your home perfectly. You are very good at that… but, you never consider this talent as valuable. Not that it is not valuable, it’s just that you never before considered as such. On top of that, you are never quite willing to share it. So, no cash inflow at all.

The Cash Inflow Equation

All these examples depict the substance of the cash inflow. This can also be summarized in the following equation:

Cash Inflow


Valuable gift


Willingness to share it


Readiness to share it

Remove any of the above variables and you won’t be able to attract more money.

Perhaps the more interesting question is how to increase the cash inflow. Just by looking into the equation, you can see that there 3 thing you can do:

  1. Start perceiving your gifts are valuable – the more valuable you see your gifts, the more money other people will be willing to exchange for your gifts. Note that it is your perception not others’. If you feel like your Excel skills are exceptional and super valuable, be sure that a client and/or employer who sees your skills as valuable as you do will be attracted to you.
  2. Be willing to share your gifts with others – do you go to work willing to share your talents? Or, do you dread going to work? Well, if you are not willing to share your gifts, you will never be able to attract any money. But, if every day (or almost every day), you go to work with the clear intention to share your valuable gifts with your employer, clients, colleagues, then, nothing will stop the cash inflow.
  3. Be ready to share your gifts with others – are you really ready to share your incredible talent with the world? Or, you still feel not ready yet because you need higher education, better training, more time, better this, more that? If you have the talent/gift, then, trust yourself that you are ready to share it. Don’t be shy, by sure.

The Cash Outflow – How to Use It to Attract More Money

Attracting more money is one story, but using the money is a completely different story. Just remember, that you want money so you can spend it. Spending money is also called cash outflow. Spending money is the exchange of cash for something valuable you need or want.

In other words, the main reason you need cash inflow is so you can have cash outflow.

To understand the substance of the cash outflow, we will examine it independently from the cash inflow. For a moment, let’s pretend that you have unlimited access to cash (just pretend).

If receiving money is about the value you give, then, spending money is about the value you get. The tricky part is that the value you get is based on your worthiness. If you ask Sara Landon and The Council, you are worthy of having it all. So, perhaps, it is time to realize this truth and start living it.

Let’s review a few examples related to the cash outflow.

Example 1 – you value your money and are willing and ready to exchange it for something equally valuable

Let’s say you want to go on a vacation. You look at your bank account and see that you have some money saved. Being super excited and grateful for the savings, you decide to exchange them for the perfect vacation. You pick your dream destination, perfect package and can’t wait for the couple of months (or weeks) to pass. You know that this vacation is worth every penny of your saved budget. And, you know that your money (the money you attracted, the money you are worthy of) were fairly exchanged for something valuable. Here is your cash outflow.

Now, your happiness and excitement are even greater. Interesting enough, because of your uplifted mood, you go to work even more willing and ready to exchange your gifts with others. Moreover, because of this, you feel your talents as even more valuable. After all, you exchanged amazing talent for money which bought you an amazing vacation in turn.

Example 2 – you value your money but are not willing to exchange it for something equally valuable

Well, may be you have a lot of money but you don’t like spending it. Or, you have money but are afraid of losing it so you don’t spend it.

Let’s go back to our vacation example. Imagine that your dream vacation package costs $5,000. You look at your bank account and notice that you have saved $5,000. You can easily spend the money on a vacation package but you are not willing to do so. You prefer to keep the money for rainy days or for retirement. This is good. Make it a deliberate choice and know that for as long as you value your money, it’ll bring you value in return. At the end of the day, you have the money and make it a matter of choice on what to exchange it for. No cash outflow in this case but not because you don’t have money.

What if you keep the money simply because you don’t want to spend it. You are afraid of even touching it. In this case, your unwillingness to spend it prevents the cash outflow in your life. This is not the same as saying you don’t have money, right?

Example 3 – You value your money and are willing to spend it but don’t feel ready yet

Let’s say you want to purchase a nice dress. You look at the price tag and discover that you can afford it. You value your money and are willing to exchange it for something beautiful like this dress. However, for whatever reason, you don’t feel ready to make the purchase. May be you want to lose five more pounds. Or, perhaps you want to make it a special occasion purchase. Whatever the case is, not feeling ready to exchange your money means no cash outflow and is far from having no money.

Example 4 – You don’t value your money

What if you have some money but always complain about it. There is never enough money especially when you need it. You resent it and don’t see how it brings any value. In fact, you think money is the cause of much trouble in the world and your life in particular.

With this attitude, you decide to purchase the dream vacation. You see the price tag and immediately go in complaining mode. Eventually, you get angry and decide not to purchase the vacation because it is way overpriced and you don’t think it’s worth the money.

Frustrated and angry at the world, you go to work on the next day. But, your emotions prevent you from performing your tasks well. Your boss gets irritated by your attitude and decides not to promote you… The end result is that you failed to go on vacation and attract more money.

The Cash Outflow Formula

It is important to distinguish between not wanting to spend your money and having no money at all. Often (although not always), people have the money but are not willing or ready to exchange it. The reasons are different and almost always valuable.

The key point is to make your choices to spend or not to spend intentionally and based on the exchange of values. If you want to go on vacation and want to repair the roof of your house, and have limited budget, it is a matter of choice to decide which of the two is equally valuable to the cash on hand. Yes, you do have the cash, the question is what choice you want to make.

Now, if you want to have both, the vacation and roof, and need more cash inflow so you can exchange it for both, then, consider reviewing the concepts in the Cash Inflow section of this article.

To summarize the cash outflow concept, let’s use the following formula:

Cash Outflow


Value your money


Willingness to exchange cash for it


Readiness to exchange cash for it

The three components of the cash outflow are:
  1. Value your money – do you see your money as something valuable? Do you cherish your money? Love them? Appreciate them? Or, you see money as “your biggest problem”? Would you rather live in a world that has no money at all? Well, remember the exchange-of-valuables part? You have something valuable to exchange for something equally valuable. Only if you value your money, you will be able to exchange it for other people’s gifts. If you value other people’s gift but don’t value your own money, you would never be able to exchange both. Moreover, this will attract less and less opportunities for cash in- and outflows.
  2. Be willing to exchange your money – next time when the thought that you have no money pops up in your mind, ask yourself the question: Do I really have no money? Or, I have it but am not willing to spend it for this gift. This simple technique will change your perception entirely. Chances are that most of the time you have money but make the decision to spend it for something else. The more you realize your abundance, the more abundant you will be and the more money you will attract.
  3. Be ready to exchange your money – in other words, stop doubting yourself and your worthiness. This doesn’t mean to spend your money left-and-right without realizing the values you exchange. Remember that it is important to see the fairness in the exchange. This point merely implies that you are worthy of managing and exchanging your money. If you are ready, go ahead. If you don’t feel ready, understand that you still have enough. Again, next time you think you don’t have enough money, ask yourself whether it is true or whether you are not ready to spend it.

The Ultimate Prosperity Formula

Cash Inflow + Cash Outflow = Prosperity

Now, that you understand the substance of the cash inflow and outflow, it is time to understand that both work together. To have enough money to spend, you need to attract it. To attract more money, you need to have reasons to spend it. You can’t have one without the other. This is the basis of prosperity.

It all boils down to your own perception and attitude. Start seeing yourself differently and start making conscious choices. This will open the gates of cash inflow. And, always remember that the cash outflow is what keeps the gates open 😉

If you tried these techniques, please feel free to send me an email and let me know of the results. Just give yourself some time to readjust to the new thinking model.

For more valuable resources:

If you are looking for more resources on how to change your perception and attitude, I recommend you check Sara Landon’s course “Clearing the Path Forward,” Sir David Hawkins’ book “Letting Go,” and John Randolph Price’s book “The Abundance Book.” Any or all, these will prove valuable and well worth your money and time.

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I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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