Do You Love Your Money?

Just like everything in this physical world, money is energy. Money is no different than your car, your couch, your smart phone, your fridge, etc. Not convinced? Then, open your wallet and grab a bill or a coin. Take a look at it carefully and realize what it really is – a physical object with a given meaning. Perhaps you are holding a $20 bill. So, it is a small plastic/paper object which you can exchange for a good or service that has value of $20. The meaning you give to the plastic/paper object (i.e., value of $20) is the energy.

Check your bank account balance. See the numbers on the screen? You give these numbers meaning. Let’s say you see the number $590.33. Well, the number itself means nothing. But, the meaning you give it is the option to exchange this number for goods or services worth $590.33.

Now, I am not saying you are making the meaning up. Not at all. The meaning was created long before you and I were born. But we agreed to this meaning and accept it as a universal truth. Beside, I like the idea of having money, or something to exchange easily for goods and services.

Have you heard of The Council and Sara Landon? (if not, I highly recommend to YouTube/Google them; they changed my perspective on life a lot). According to The Council, we manifest by summoning energy which our consciousness turns into physical form. Same truth is explained by John Randolph Price (see The Abundance Book).

Your money
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

Let’s say, you want a delicious cup of latte (or something else that you like). You look around your home, here and there, but there is no cup of latte. But you want one, but there is none. Then, you take a look at your bank account or wallet, and see that you have money to buy a latte. In other words: you have a desire for a latte, the energy is created. You don’t have a cup of latte at home, but you have money. Now, you summon the energy. You start thinking about your desire and the resources you have. You decide consciously to go out and buy yourself a cup of latte. As easy as that, you go to the nearest (or favourite) coffee shop. You give the money and get the latte. YEY! You just transformed money into a latte. No magic involved.

Money = Energy


Desire and decision = summon the energy


Buy latte = transform energy into physical form

Really, there is no magic trick here. Everyone can do it. As simple as that.

Now that you understand that money is energy, try to stretch this understanding a bit more. If money is energy, then it follows that your money is your energy, is it not?

Let me explain this through an example. Let’s say you work for an employer, 5 days a week, 7-8 hours a day. You go to work (or work from home), put some effort, create, do stuff. In other words, you provide value to your employer in one way or another. This is the energy you give.

In exchange for your work or the energy you give, you are compensated by receiving money. Again, no magic involved, but you just transformed energy into money. In fact, you transformed your energy into money. And, this money is yours. Your energy into your money.

May be you are retired and you get monthly pension. Well, while you worked, you gave your energy in exchange for money. Your energy for your money. Now, you are receiving your money.

May be you stay home and take care of the family and the house. You do give a lot of your energy (been there, done that 😉 ). In return, you receive money from your spouse. Your energy is transformed into your money. (a note: most likely, you share this money with your family. Nevertheless, it is yours).

By now, I hope you understand that your money is your energy. It really does not matter where and how the money come from. After all, we live in a physical world so everything in physical form must come from somewhere. It doesn’t change the fact that it is all yours.

Just like the example with the latte. You did not summon the latte out of thin air but bought it from the coffee shop. Same with your bed, laptop, clothes, etc. You didn’t summon them out of the nothingness. You exchange your energy (in the form of service, resource or money) for all these goodies.

Same applies for the money. You exchange your energy (through the things you do) for money. And, it doesn’t matter the pipeline (provided it is legal and doesn’t harm others!), what is yours, is yours.

Think of something that is yours and you really, really love. Perhaps you have a doggie that you adore and love unconditionally. You feel so good around the doggie and enjoy every moment you spend with him/her. And, the more you love your little creature, the better you feel around him/her. The better you feel around him/her, the more you love it. The energy is growing constantly and the overjoy is expanding endlessly.

Same applies for money as well. Maybe, you never truly loved it, so you never felt the joy of working with it. I’d say this is because you never before realized that it is your energy. But, just like your puppy, if you love your money unconditionally, the joy that comes out of them will be beyond your wildest dreams. After all, it all came from you. You created the money, why not love it.

Not convinced? Give it a try. Commit yourself for a week or two to love the money that is yours just like you love your pet, or best friend, or whatever there is. Then, please, share your experience with me. I’d love to read about the miracles in your life 🙂

Your money
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

In this series of articles, I will share my experience learning and loving my money. Hope you enjoy them and find them helpful in your journey to self-love. Because after all, if money comes from your energy, and your energy comes from you, loving your money means loving your self (and vice versa).

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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