Does the Invisible Energy Force Really Exist?

Does the invisible energy force of unlimited possibilities really exist? In this experiment, inspired by Pam Grout’s book E-Squared, I asked for a sign, a gift from the field of infinite possibilities.

I asked the Energy Force for a sign that it is a real thing

Experiment #1: The Dude Abides Principle
energy force
Photo by Desislava Georgieva

The Dude Abides Principle is the first experiment in the 9-experiment scientific research. The premise is simple: if there is a Universe, an intelligence, an energy force, let it show itself. If I see a clear sign or a gift that cannot be described as a coincidence, I can believe that it exists.

To keep it simple and to the point, I asked for this sign to be presented within the next 48 hours. Unlike other people, however, I had nothing in mind. I did not ask for a feather or a coin for a sign. Instead, I let the field surprise me with something that I would not doubt.

A hint

You need to be open-minded when looking for a sign from the invisible energy force. The sign is often subtle and meaningful only to you.

Of course, you could ask for a white feather or a dime if these have real significance in your life. But, if you are doing this exercise for the first time, let the Universe guess what is hidden in your heart. If the Divine energy force is loving and caring, it’d know how to surprise you. As such, don’t make it obvious or easy. Rather than requesting something very specific, just ask for a sign.

The Results

energy force
Photo by mike mcgrath on Unsplash

One Thursday morning, I decided to give the experiment a try. I read the instructions in the book carefully and prepared my first lab report. The book includes samples of lab reports.

For the next 2 days, I intended to be observant and pay attention to every unusual event. During the first day, nothing significant happened. In particular, I worked throughout the day fully absorbed in my to-do list.

Likewise, the first half of the second day passed in a monotone rhythm. Late in the afternoon, I was feeling tired from the work week. Since the day was sunny and warm, I decided to organize a small family outing to a nearby picturesque village.

My family was excited about the idea of walking around and dining out. After work, we all dressed up and headed to the place. We parked the car in free parking (a miracle on its own) and started walking towards the downtown/main street area.

Gift #1

On our way, we passed by a house with 2 metal roosters and a hen placed on its roof. You may ask, What’s the big deal?

But, here is the story: When I was a little girl, I had a great-aunt and a great-uncle who had a little cottage in the mountains. Every summer, they used to take me there to spend a couple of weeks with them. Every year, I was waiting with great excitement for the trip. In fact, I always remember my summers in the cottage as the happiest time in my life. More specifically, there, I felt safe and free to be myself. More importantly, I felt loved by my great-aunt and uncle.

Their cottage was unique because, at the time it was built, my great-aunt created a pair of metal roosters and placed them on the roof. Two beautiful, hand-painted roosters – one facing the road, and the other facing the backyard.

Now, you make the conclusion for yourself – me seeing the two roosters on that random house’s roof. If this is not a sign, I don’t know what it is.

Gift #2

Just in case I could consider this as a coincidence, a few houses further, I noticed a beautiful white azalea. I know this evergreen shrub very well because it was another landmark of the little cottage.

In front of the front door, my great-aunt had a tall azalea, almost like a tree. It was covering the entrance making it appear like a wall. I loved admiring the plant and its delicate flowers, and in my mind, I always associate it with the cottage and my happy childhood memories.

Gift #3
energy force
Photo by Julia Kadel on Unsplash

And yet, “everyone else” was getting white feathers or other things considered gifts from angels. So, I wished for one as well. Not a problem, the Universe said 😉

As we were walking on the main street towards the restaurant, we passed by an antique store. The entire window display was of angles and angles wings. This also included a pair of big, about 1ft long angle wings. I asked for it, didn’t I 🙂

If you want to experience miracles like that, I’d encourage you to do this experiment. It’s fun and heartwarming.

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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