The Meaning of Boredom and How to Overcome It

The meaning of boredom and how to overcome it. Why do we feel bored? Are there any benefits? Should we try to overcome boredom right away?

The meaning of boredom

If you are a busy mom, a business owner, or have three jobs, chances are that you run all day long at full speed. Perhaps, your day starts before sunrise and ends after midnight. It is also possible that you don’t have breaks or even a proper meal time. That is why, when suddenly you find yourself idle, you feel bored and empty.

It feels as if you have something to do but cannot remember what. And yet, when you look around, all is done, nothing is outstanding. Your brain scans your surroundings and schedules to find something useful to do. When no such task is presented for a longer time (a few hours or days), you start feeling bored.

Even if you have something to do, you can also feel bored. This leads to the question, what is the meaning of boredom?


To be bored does not necessarily mean that we do not have anything to do or employ ourselves with. For example, you may have a 9 to 5 job, doing the same thing over and over again and feeling bored to the bone. You might even be a stay-at-home mom, running after 3 precious little ones, cleaning, tidying up toys, folding unlimited supplies of laundry, and yet, your whole body would scream, “Help! I’m so bored!”

Sounds familiar? Well, you are not alone.

One of the meanings of boredom is that we feel disconnected from the Divine Source energy. It is as if we lost our sense of purpose and inspiration, and as if we do not see our work as valuable. We know something important is missing from our day. And, the lack of this spark, we translate as boredom.

Lower vibration

Boredom also means that we operate at a lower vibrational frequency. And it makes sense. When we feel bored, we often do not see the unlimited possibilities for creative and fulfilling activities. This is one of the clearest signs that our vibration is low.

Whenever we are bored, we tend to feel more irritable and grumpy. Even if a friend asks us to go with them for a movie or a walk in the park, we tend to say, “Nah, I don’t feel like it. I’m bored…” In other words, our boredom projects itself into lack of motivation to do anything. All of these negative feelings and thoughts are a mere indicator of lower vibration.

Stuck energy

Meaning of boredom
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

This meaning is perhaps the trickiest to identify. The reason for this phenomenon is that when we run around almost aimlessly, we’d expect that the energy around is also moving left and right with the flow of draft we produce.

Nevertheless, if we feel boredom, it means that the energy around and within us is stuck. Or else, we would feel happy and inspired.

This is not to blame anyone or anything else. It is just to remind us that it is time for a change. It is time to reconnect and rediscover what makes us happy and brings us joy.

How to overcome boredom?

Whenever we feel bored, we are presented with an opportunity to expand and grow. And let’s face it, it is an easy spiritual lesson, right? In fact, whenever we are bored, all we have to do is consider a change. It doesn’t need to be something grand. Even something as simple as reorganizing your work area could change your mood and inspire some creative projects.

Below are some ideas on how to overcome boredom and return to your natural state of joyful creativity.

Work on an art project

If you are bored because you feel disconnected from Divine love, one of the easiest ways to reconnect is through art. Whether that is trying a new recipe, baking and decorating a cake, painting a beautiful picture, or playing the guitar, it’ll make you feel better immediately.

The reason this strategy works is that when we employ our minds in any type of art project (whether simple, small or grand), we feel more peaceful and self-absorbed. Often, we shut off the environment that surrounds us and start following the call of our hearts. That is, we open ourselves to allowing and receiving inspiration.

This is how we reconnect and find our purpose again. We do not feel bored but rather motivated to keep creating and enjoying our activity. Suddenly, we find ourselves busy and happier.

Clean and reorganize

If you feel bored because your vibration is lower, try cleaning and reorganizing your home or work area. This technique is easy to do and works every time.

In particular, if you feel bored and out of spirit, find some area of your home or workspace that can benefit from a little makeover. When you get rid of the old and the garbage, you clean your energy and your thoughts as well. In a way, you throw away the beliefs that do not serve you anymore. This is the first and necessary step for raising your vibration.

Once everything is clean, you can concentrate on making it beautiful and pleasing. When you look at something new and well-organized, you tend to feel a sense of awe and appreciation. This is guaranteed to raise your vibration and make you feel inspired. And, what better cure for boredom than inspiration?

Move around

If your energy is stuck, you feel stuck yourself. The best thing to do in such cases is to move around. You may try walking in the neighbourhood and admire the beautiful flowers and gardens. Or, you may walk in the nearest park and observe the uniqueness of Mother Nature. If there is a river or a small pond, even better.

The energy of nature, the rushing water, and the fresh air will help you clear your mind and reconnect with your spirit. The act of moving your body will further help your energy move.

Even if you cannot go outside for whatever reason, try moving inside your home. A quick dance, 250 steps on the spot or even 5 pushups will make your blood move faster. Suddenly, you may find yourself enjoying yourself, coming up with brilliant ideas for new projects, and feeling energized and motivated to create and express yourself again.

Ask your guides for inspiration

If none of the above seem to work, and you cannot see the meaning of boredom, don’t be frustrated. Instead, ask your Higher Self, angels, and Divine guiding team for help.

Simply take a few deep breaths and focus on your heart. Ask for guidance and inspiration to return to a joyful state of well-being. Close your eyes and meditate for 5-10 minutes. Trust that the answer will reveal itself to you. As long as you have the intention to feel happy and valuable again, the means of doing and feeling so will come in the best possible time-space sequence. And once this happens, jump on the opportunity.

The benefits of being bored

As you can see from the presented facts and suggestions, the greatest meaning of boredom is that it allows us to rediscover our creativity and connection to the Universe. Whether your home is cleaner, your desk is more organized, or you’ve managed to finish that art project, your boredom is what moved you to step outside of the same-old path.

So, next time you feel that way, get excited for the chance to try new things that bring you joy and satisfaction. And, why not start today? Use your journal and jot down a few ideas about what to do when you feel bored. Have these handy so you can revive and reconnect easier and faster.

Life is supposed to be fun, not boring 😉

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I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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