Is Creation the New Manifestation?

Is Creation the New Manifestation?

The words creation and manifestation have become very popular in the last two decades. More and more people are discovering their power to create exciting, happy, and loving experiences for themselves. There are tons of books, podcasts, and articles on the topic. Evidence is flying from each corner, showing us what to do to attract what we want.

If you are a fan of Sara Landon and the Council, you’ve already heard them talking about creating our life experiences.

Some of my top favourite words, often repeated by the Council, are “creation within your own creation.”

This inspired me to write this article and share with you my journey on understanding the terms creation and manifestation.

In the beginning, years ago

For years and years, many spiritual teachers have talked about manifestation, what it is, how to manifest, etc.

In essence, if we desire something, we can attract it into our lives by following a simple (yet not very easy to do) technique:

We want something


We imagine having it


We affirm the feeling we would have (if we had the object of our desire)


The Universe gives us the thing we want once we reach a certain level of vibration

When I was first introduced to the idea of manifesting, I had mixed feelings about the process. One point that particularly boggle my mind was the fact that we (1) had to want something, and (2) play the guessing game about what our level of vibration has to be (3) so the Universe can grant our wish.

In other words, I was under the impression that there was something outside of us that had the power to create and deliver for us. And if we were good people, we got it. However, if we were bad (and by “bad,” I mean thinking negative thoughts, having negative feelings, etc.), we didn’t get it.

Doesn’t this seem familiar? I’m pretty sure some of you may make some associations 😉

And yet, I couldn’t deny the fact that so many people have tried and manifested so many wonderful things, experiences, and relationships in their lives. So, the manifestation was real, no doubt about that. But my problem was that I felt very limited by the process.

Please keep in mind that this was a few years ago. Since then, my understanding has changed.

“Where attention goes, energy flows”

Creation Manifestation
Photo by Zain Bhatti on Unsplash

So, I decided to find my answers. We could have or experience anything we want. And I just wanted to find out more about the how. That is, I refused to accept the idea that I didn’t have the power over my own experiences.

As I started reading and learning more about how we can change our lives, I got across many relevant books and research papers. The book that gave me the most amount of answers was Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. In this book, Dr. Joe summarizes in simple terms the value of numerous scientific research regarding the process of manifesting.

As Dr. Joe explains, first, we want something. Then, we start focusing our attention and energy on that thing. The moment we start channeling our energy, we start the creation process. The more we focus, the more we work on our creation. Sooner or later, we can give it a physical form.

The role of the Universe in this process is that it is the field where we transform a dream into reality.

The book explains in more detail how exactly this process works. If you are interested, I would highly recommend reading it. You can also trace the sources cited in the book for even more details.

In other words, it is us, our consciousness, who creates. It is not something outside of us.

The veil was lifted – Creation and Manifestation

Then, you may ask (just like I did): If this was true, why so many spiritual teachers did not talk about it? Why did they keep referring to the Universe as the creator? “You want something, and the Universe gives it to you.”

I really don’t know the answer… My explanation is that the general level of understanding, including the scientific and technological advancements, was not at a level where we could grasp the idea of us being the makers. Since we couldn’t explain how things miraculously appear in our lives, we decided that it must’ve been something greater than us, something outside of us, i.e., the Universe.

The more we learned and evolved, the more we started understanding that we and “something greater than us” is the same entity. We and our higher selves and the Universe are the same thing. So, is is we who create and who make our wishes come true.

Laugh if you wish, but soon after I put the pieces together, I came across Sara Landon and the channeled messages from the Council. Again, if you want to learn more about this process, I would strongly recommend you find her on YouTube, read her book, The Wisdom of the Council, or visit her website.

All my conclusions were confirmed by science and by the Council: we are the creators. It is we who create all the amazing things that come into our experiences.

Here is the modified process of creating and manifesting:

We want something


We focus on the feelings we will have once we have it


This creates energy


We (our physical and higher self) use this energy to create and give physical form to our creation

Positive energy is constructive. Negative energy is destructive.

Perhaps you are asking the same 2 questions as me:

(1) If I am the creator, how come sometimes I create what I want, and sometimes, I fail?
(2) If I am the creator, how come bad things happen to me? There is no way I would deliberately hurt myself!

Here are the explanations about creation and manifestation that I gathered from science and Divine sources:

Positive energy is creative/constructive energy. Negative energy is destructive energy.

Creation manifestation
Photo by Marivi Pazos on Unsplash

When we have positive thoughts, we evoke positive emotions. Positive emotions and feelings, on the other hand, result in positive energy. So, when we feel really good, we channel our positive energy into our creation. This explains how sometimes we create what we want.

When we have negative thoughts, we evoke negative emotions. This also creates things and experiences, but not the ones we really appreciate.

Another important point is that when we want something and start paying attention to the lack of it, we automatically experience negative emotions. Thus, we automatically produce negative experiences. This explains how sometimes we fail to create what we want, and how sometimes we create unwanted things and experiences.

The solution?

The solution is really simple – feel good. Although I find this advice easier said than done.

One of the best advice that the Council has given is to do whatever brings us joy. To put everything together, the process of creation and manifestation looks like that:

We want something


We focus on the feelings we will have once we get it


We do everything we can to feel good and produce positive energy


Our consciousness (higher self) does the work of creating and manifesting

Some suggestions for bringing our energy up to positive levels:

  • Visualize
  • Meditate
  • Listen to music
  • Listen to podcasts or audiobooks
  • Read books, magazines, or blogs
  • Walk in parks
  • Draw, paint, do crafts
  • Write positive affirmations
  • Journal

The list is endless. If you really pay attention, in most cases (although not all cases), you can find something that can bring you joy.

Be happy!

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I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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