Feel Well: How to Transform Feeling Well into Being Well

Feel Well: Transform Your Life by Simply Feeling Well

Feel well – learn how well-feeling transforms into well-being.

Feel well
Photo by mohsen ameri on Unsplash

“Oh, hi! How are you?”
“I’m well, thank you! How about you?”

How many times a day do we exchange these pleasantries with people we meet?

We ask each other about our being and often (if not even always) give and receive an answer about our feeling. Whether we realize it or not, we often associate being with feeling. And there is a good reason for that.

As humans, we are born with a well-developed feeling system. Our feelings and emotions are our most accurate indication of our state of being. For instance, feeling happy implies being within an enjoyable environment, interacting with friendly people, having a positive experience, etc. Our emotional system communicates with us that all is well, and we can relax and enjoy the experience.

The opposite is also true. If we walk alone on a dark backstreet and suddenly hear a loud noise, our emotional system will warn us immediately that we might be in danger.

In other words, being and feeling are interconnected and almost always go together. Sometimes our state of being precedes our feelings. At other times, it is the opposite – our feelings determine our state of being.

In this article, we will examine the possibilities that the second case presents.

How our state of being affects our feelings

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors were facing some real survival challenges. The list of dangers was practically unlimited, including a lack of secured shelter, food and water, extreme weather, carnivores, venomous animals, poisonous plants, and more.

It is estimated that back in that prehistorical time, our predecessors were living in a predominant fight-or-flight mode. As human evolution progressed, however, people learned to protect themselves, work together, and take care of each other. Some evidence of their well-being is found in the art that has been discovered.

When people were well, they were feeling relaxed and more connected. They started employing their time and energy to create beautiful items, including home and personal decorations, drawings, music, and fairy tales.

This continues to be true today. Whether we are stuck in traffic, work with tight deadlines or worry about paying our bills, we live in a fight-or-flight mode. The stress hormones take over with the only mission, to keep our body alive. In such cases, we feel fear, anxiety, anger, or even depression.

When we are safe, healthy, and satisfied, we feel relaxed. We are able to notice the beauty and harmony around us which makes us feel happier.

How our feelings affect our state of being

When we feel safe and relaxed, we open our hearts to the unlimited possibilities that exist. We allow ourselves to dream, imagine and create the best possible life.

But how does it work? How can feeling well transform into being well?

There are two ways to examine this phenomenon – the scientific and the spiritual. Regardless of which one you choose; both will provide a great explanation. As I love telling my students, whether you look at the 20-dollar bill this way or that way, it’s still worth 20 dollars 😉

The scientific way

When you have a certain emotion, your mind focuses on it. The more focused you are, the more your brain starts noticing evidence supporting your perspective.

Let’s say you are planning a picnic for the weekend. Let’s also say a thought pops up in your head that it might rain that day. You have two choices: (1) to focus on the thought or (2) to ignore it altogether.

Choice 1:

Let’s say you decide to focus on the thought. You imagine what would happen to you and your plans if it rains that day. The more you entertain the possibility, the more worried you feel. The more worried you feel, the more things to worry about you find. You become so anxious for nothing.

Although these are just thoughts, your body’s fight-or-flight response system is already activated. You see the possibilities for disasters not only for your picnic but for all that is around you. You try to figure out a solution but that’s impossible because the more you concentrate on the problems, the more problems you notice. Even the weather app indicates a rain of ~5mm for the day of the picnic.

It is possible for you to go so far down the rabbit hole that you get a headache, kick the cupboard by mistake or get a paper cut. And all of these are because you focused on the worst-case scenario for so long that you stopped paying attention to the world around you. At that point, your mind and energy are employed in a future possibility (although not certain).

Feel well
Photo by Sherry Wright on Unsplash
Choice 2:

Let’s turn things around. Let’s say you chose to ignore the rainy thought altogether. Just in case, you check the weather app and see the forecast for ~5mm of rain for that day. But because you are in a neutral state, you also notice the “30% chance” written underneath it. So, nothing to worry about.

Being so excited about the outing, you start planning what and how to bring. Since your mind and energy are free of stress and fear, you can think more creatively. You easily come up with a variety of food choices, fun games, and everything in between.

Even if a gloomy thought tries to attract your attention, your positive attitude brushes it off. After all, if something happens, you’ll be able to think of something on the spot. Why worry now?

This added excitement and appreciation of the genius ideas that appear one after another fuel your enthusiasm. You are more energetic and light-hearted, and perhaps a bit impassioned 😉

In short, your mind can focus on one thought at a time. And that one thought often leads to another similar one. That is how when you focus on something good, it leads to more good things, and vice versa.

The Spiritual Way

In simple words, our feelings affect our vibration. Positive feelings make us vibrate at a higher frequency. In such cases, we open ourselves to receiving more positive and enhanced experiences. We start noticing synchronicities that lead to the manifestation or realization of our desires. We feel as if doors are opening for us, green lights line up, people around us are more responsive, etc. That is, we allow the Universe to deliver in the best possible way (which very often is way better than what we could imagine).

When we have negative feelings, however, we vibrate at a lower frequency. We close ourselves to the goodies that are surrounding us. Even if something wonderful could happen, our low vibration keeps us away from noticing it. It is not that when we feel bad, we attract bad. It’s more like when we feel bad, we do not allow and accept the good.

That is why if we want to be well, we need to feel well. By feeling well, which implies feeling relaxed, happy, and hopeful, we open our minds to connect to our Higher Self and the entire non-physical team of angels and guides. We receive their support through sudden genius ideas, extra motivation to keep going, and inspiration. Even if a challenge crosses our way, we can easily tune in to our Divine support system and overcome it without much effort.

Feel well
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Let’s revisit our earlier example. If we focus on the excitement of the picnic and the opportunity to spend a fun day with family and friends, we stay connected and open to the best possible scenario.

Let’s throw a little twist. How about if we were all positive, mindful, and grateful for the wonderful event? We go there, set everything up and an hour to two later it starts raining. But how come? We were so happy and intentional!

Well, if we were feeling well all the time and something unexpected like that happens, rest assured it was for the highest good of all. Because we were opened and connected, we’d be able to see the immediate solution. Perhaps there was an available shelter nearby where we could move everything quickly. Or we could find the entire scene so funny and ridiculous that everyone kept laughing while putting everything away. Maybe we put everything away and decided to move the party to our home where we could watch a comedy? Or the sun suddenly appeared, and we all watched the beautiful double rainbow in awe?

No matter what, when we feel well, we stay well. The world becomes a playground of endless possibilities for fun, discoveries, joy, and laughter.

“Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” Joseph Campbell

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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