Attract a Miracle in Your Life

Attract a Miracle in Your Life – a Practical and Easy-to-do Exercise

Attract a miracle
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Attract a miracle and start creating your dream life today. Believe it or not, you are a creator. You create everything in your life, good or not-so-good. The moment you realize this simple truth, you can easily take control of your experiences and start living a joyful, loving, happy and free life.

But how can that be so? If you’ve experienced so much hardship, how could you accept that you could put a stop to this and suddenly start living a better life? If this was true, should not you already be living a happy life? After all, who would deliberately create misery, lack, and suffering to go through?

The cause

Well, most of us were taught by good parents, religious leaders, and school teachers to believe in limited resources, a dangerous world, and hard work since childhood. These adults were taught the same principles by people who were taught the same, and so on. The trail goes back to the olden times…

In other words, we were conditioned to believe in our lack of power, control and creativity. In fact, many of us were taught to accept that creativity was wasteful. Great hobby but that’s all. Furthermore, we were often discouraged to daydream and encouraged to employ our time and energy more productively like working, making money, doing chores, etc.

Perhaps you are wondering how to agree that you can be happy, rich, and free when you and your family experienced otherwise for generations.

See it to believe it

If you are a fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer, you are now rolling your eyes at me. He and many others said clearly that the first step to attracting a miracle in our lives is to believe it. In fact, one of the greatest books written by Dr. Dyer is called, You’ll See It When You Believe It.

And I do agree with this. I’ve proven it to myself so many times. But this wasn’t always the case.

I couldn’t even understand this concept when I was first introduced. It made no sense to me. Moreover, everything around me contradicted to the statement that I can change my life once I believe I can do it. At that time, I felt like in a vicious circle.

Whether from curiosity, desperation or a combination of both, I decided to try to attract a miracle. After all, I wasn’t risking anything. If I tried and failed, oh well, I just wasted a bit of time. But at least I’d know to discharge the concept. If I tried and succeeded, however, I’d be sure I could finally start creating a meaningful, happy, rich life.

In other words, I first needed to see it so I can believe that first I need to believe it before I see it. Makes sense? 😉

A Practice Exercise for Attracting Your First Miracle

If you want to see it before you believe it, you may try to follow this easy-peasy exercise. This aims to prove or disprove to yourself that you can create whatever you want in your life. Regardless of the result, at least you will know. It’s like trying a pumpkin pie for the first time. People say that you either love or hate pumpkin pie. But how do you know unless you try to taste it yourself?

So, let’s get into the try-and-see-if-it’s-for-you.

Step 1: Think and decide what you want to attract

What miracle do you want to attract as proof that you can do anything you want? If you do not believe in this concept, I suggest you start with something small and practical. Come up with an idea that is of no great significance to you. If it happens, good for you! But if it doesn’t, you wouldn’t care much. This is very important because one of the pillars of creating and attracting a miracle is to detach from the outcome. The moment you attach yourself to the outcome, you emphasize the lack of it.

Let’s say you want to attract a lottery winner. If you really want to win the lottery because this would solve many of your financial problems, you automatically attach yourself to the outcome. The more you want to win the lottery (i.e., the more attached to the outcome you are), the more you concentrate on the lack of money and the presence of financial problems. No miracles will come in this case.

When I first tried this method, I decided to attract rain. It was mid-summer and very dry. Little rain would refresh the air and feel nicer. I didn’t have a garden, so it didn’t matter whether it’d rain. Thus, it was the perfect object to test whether I had a superpower.

Step 2: Imagine what it feels like

To attract a miracle, you need to be able to imagine what it feels like when you have whatever you desire. The feeling in your body helps attract one thing or another. Simply close your eyes and visualize the scene when you get what you want. Let it unfold as if it was a movie. Doesn’t need to be long. A few short moments are perfect.

Once you picture the result, let yourself feel it. Imagine what it feels like. Are you happy? Are you excited? Are you jumping up and down with joy? Are you dancing the happy dance? Are you telling everyone how amazing all this feels? Feel it. This is the key.

Spend no more than 1 to 3 minutes in this dream. If you are a fan of Abraham Hicks’ teachings of the law of attraction, you know that it takes only 16 seconds to activate the attraction process.

If you try to force the feeling for longer, your ego will take over and will surely remind you to “get real.”

When I decided to attract rain, it was a bright sunny day with clear skies. I closed my eyes and visualize a group of clouds slowly approaching my area. After a few moments, the raindrops started falling happily on the ground, soaking into the dry earth. I imagined what it’d feel like to breath in the fresh cool air. In my vision, I looked around and saw green grass and blooming flowers decorated with beautiful raindrops. It was so beautiful and so real. I felt such relief and peace. It took me only a few short minutes. No more than 3 or 4.

Step 3: Express your gratitude

Another pillar of the process of attracting a miracle is to be grateful. By being grateful, you acknowledge the goodness in your life. In other words, you focus your attention. And the more you focus on something, the more you see it. The more you see it, the more you have it.

One thing I’ve learned about the process is that I cannot express gratitude for something I don’t have. For instance, if I want a piece of chocolate and I don’t have chocolate, I can’t be grateful for having a piece of chocolate. I tried but it didn’t work. I simply cannot fake gratitude.

But then… how can I be grateful to attract a miracle? When I imagined the rain and the feeling of breathing in the fresh air, I also imagined myself raising my head towards the sky and saying, Thank you, Universe, for hearing my prayer! Thank you for the rain, the fresh air, the green grass and the beautiful flowers. Thank you!

That is, before you open you eyes, imagine yourself being so happy and grateful. In your daydream, thank the Universe/God/Spirit for the miracle. Feel the gratitude with your body.

Step 4: Let it go

The moment you open your eyes, let go of the dream. Simply release it from your mind and forget about it for a little while. Don’t think about how the miracle will come, when you will notice, or how you will react. Let the dream go into the place where it will become true.

Remember, the moment you start focusing on how you want something, you see how you don’t have it, and that’s why you want it. Just stop doing so.

When I was done imagining my rainy dream, I went on with my day. I tried not to think about this. Even when the thought popped into my head, I either ignored it or reminded myself that letting it go is a part of the process.

Step 5: Consistently repeat the exercise for a few days

To attract a miracle does take some time. There are no rules about the time frame.

When I committed to attracting the rain, I was well aware that it might take a few days. I decided to give myself 7 days. First, when I checked the weather app, there was no rain in the forecast for the next week. Second, I thought that if I give it more time, rain might come not because I attracted it but because of the natural processes. And third, not giving it enough time would mean that I did not want to do the work.

For your dream, give it some reasonable time. You may always start with 7 days if it makes sense. However, it depends on what you want to attract.

Step 6: Acknowledge the miracle

Attract a miracle
Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

After only 3 days of imagining, it rained! OMG! I can still feel the excitement I felt when on the third day, late in the afternoon, a few dark clouds appeared over my neighbourhood. It actually rained. It felt so refreshing and so good. I knew that I attracted the rain. There was no other explanation because, as it turned out, it rained only over my little neighbourhood. I was so happy! I attracted a miracle! I did it!

This was the turning point for me. The moment the rain came, I was sure that if I can attract rain, I can attract anything in my life by imagining how it feels to have or experience whatever I wish for.

I immediately raised my head towards the sky and thanked the Universe out loud. It was a miracle, and I attracted it.

Another miracle

If you have some doubts that perhaps this was a coincident, here is another miracle that I created.

A few months later, I felt sick with a nasty cold. I had a fever, runny nose and sore throat. Not a pretty picture. I took medication for the fever and the throat and realized that this was another great opportunity to check my superpower. I closed my eyes and for a few brief moments imagined how it feels to be healthy and full of energy. I couldn’t hold the vision for long. So, throughout the day, I tried the exercise a few more times. Every time it was easier to get into the visualization and hold it for a few more moments.

The next morning, I woke up with no fever, a normal throat and a well-breathing nose. Although I was still a bit weak my energy continued to rise as the day progressed. I tried the visualization and feeling exercise a couple of more times. The following morning, I woke up completely recovered. I thanked the Universe for the health, support, inspiration, and unconditional love.

For me, this was another miracle that I created and attracted.

Once the miracle manifests in your life, acknowledge it. Celebrate your success and be proud of your accomplishment. Remember to give thanks to the Universe/God/Spirit for supporting you and for making sure that your dreams come true.

Give it a try

Now, it’s your turn to attract a miracle. Try this simple exercise. It takes no more than 3 to 5 minutes. See it and believe it.

Start creating the life of your dreams now 🙂

Thank you for stopping by!

I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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