The Strong Power of Negative Thoughts and Fears

The Power of Negative Thoughts – Learn how Your negative thoughts are the cause of your problems

The power of negative thoughts. Our negative thoughts and emotions go hand-in-hand with our negative emotions. Whenever we have a negative thought, a negative emotion follows. And vice versa. Whenever we feel fear, anger, or guilt, negative thoughts also join the party.

The Power of Negative Thoughts
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Science has proven that negative emotions are good for us and our bodies to some extent. Some examples are the fear we feel when the cooking pen catches fire or the feeling of anxiety when we are outside on a stormy day. In both cases, negative emotions are signs that we are in danger.

When negative emotions are dominating, however, our bodies operate in a constant fight-or-flight mode. Often, these emotions are based on memories from the past or negative thoughts of imagining the worst-case scenario. In other words, we force our bodies into feeling negative emotions through our negative thoughts and beliefs.

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Why do we allow negative thoughts to take over?

We learn to think negatively from our parents, family members, daycare or kindergarten teachers, and friends. Their own experience and prior knowledge led to creating their belief system of what is dangerous and how to prevent it from happening. In their desire to protect us from all bad things, they teach us how to recognize troubles, and how to anticipate and prevent them from happening. In addition, we also go through misfortunes that add up to our repository of things to avoid at all costs.

That is, in our mission to protect ourselves, we learn to live in constant fear that something could go wrong. We adopt the negative way of thinking from early childhood, which comes at a high cost.

What are negative emotions?
  • Why are emotions important?
  • What are primary and secondary emotions?
  • Why do we feel fear?
  • How does our consciousness respond to fear?

Read more >>>

Understanding negative emotions

Adverse consequences of having negative thoughts

The hidden power of negative thoughts

Every time we have a negative thought, our body goes into defense mode. The stress level goes up, and our body is ready to act immediately. It mobilizes only the functions that can save its life, and everything else is pushed aside.

5 consequences that come from the power of negative thoughts:

(1) Deteriorated health

When living under stress, our body employs all available resources to assuring our survival. It pushes all other functions aside for better, safer times. Some of these forgotten functions include building a strong immune system, rejuvenating bodily cells and tissues, and cleansing itself of toxins. As a result, our health worsens, our body aches, and our overall energy level drops. We also start looking older, pale, and worn out.

(2) Excessive weight gain or weight loss

When the body thinks only about surviving, our metabolism is negatively affected. We either start losing weight in a very unhealthy way or we start gaining weight. Gaining weight is often associated with hormonal disbalance, which comes from stress. Although it looks like the body puts extra cushion to protect itself, the reality is that it simply does not direct enough energy and resources to properly digest the sugars, sodium, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and everything in between. As a result, it either stores them for dealing with the latter or gets rid of them together. In any case, this leads to even more health issues.

(3) Ineffective relationships

When we put all our energy (deliberately or not) into keeping ourselves alive, we tend to either ignore people around us or look for allies.

An effective and harmonious relationship means giving, sharing, loving, and co-creating. From time to time, It is okay for one party to be more active than the other. However, if we constantly live in stress and anticipation of the next battle, we have no energy, time, or attention to sharing. And, when this is a norm, sooner or later, people will exit our lives.

In other instances, we might want some help to deal with the issues. In particular, if we live in fear for a long time, we exhaust ourselves to the point where we cannot keep fighting or running anymore. To deal with the adverse issues, we may need to “outsource” some of the fight-or-flight activities to other people. This creates co-dependency. We come up with high expectations of these people forgetting that they have their own priorities.

(4) Lost productivity

Do you remember the last time when you had to complete a routine work-related task, but you were too worried about a problem that was going on in your personal life? Chances are that you were too focused on the problem at hand rather than the job you had to do. And this makes sense.

When our existence is jeopardized (literally or metaphorically), we do everything it takes to secure our safety. Our lives, however, have way more aspects than surviving. We want to create, learn, build careers, grow businesses, and much more. When living in a relentless problem and conflict avoidance mode, we automatically lose our productivity.

(5) Lack of self-esteem

Perhaps I should have started first with this. The truth is, however, that taking care of our survival always comes as a top priority. Everything else can wait for better times. This is also true for our self-esteem.

Feeling good about ourselves is affected in more than one way by our negative thoughts. Specifically, when we live in perpetual fear, our mind gets the impression that no matter what we do, how hard we try, or what strategies we use, something always goes wrong and threatens our well-being. That is, without even realizing it, we start believing that we are not good enough. And the more we believe that we are not good enough, the more we live in fear that something will go wrong because we are not good enough to make it otherwise. A cruel, vicious circle. Sounds familiar?

Your powerful negative thoughts create the problems you face in your life

Now, that you understand the power of your negative thoughts, you also understand the key cause of the problems you face in your life.

Although it appears that bad stuff happens to us (and they do!), the reality is that our negative thoughts are at the bottom of all of them. The formula is clear:


We think a negative thought



Our body goes into fight-or-flight mode



We focus on our survival



We ignore everything else

We think negative thoughts => our body goes automatically into fight-or-flight mode => it focuses on our survival => it ignores everything else

Although our negative thoughts are very powerful, they are just thoughts. And as Louise Hay often said, “These are just thoughts, and thoughts can be changed.”

One of the best ways of changing our thoughts from negative to positive is positive affirmations. The power of positive affirmation overrules the power of negative thoughts. Thus, by using positive affirmations we can eliminate our problems and can create our dream lives!

The Power of Negative Thoughts
 Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash
Using Positive Affirmations

Using positive affirmations can eliminate our problems and help us create our dream lives!

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I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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