Month: September 2023

  • How to Ask the Universe for Advice or Help

    How to Ask the Universe for Advice or Help

    Ask the Universe for advice or help – is it true that we can ask the Divine Source for advice on how to deal with our daily problems? Would the Universe be bothered with our mundane drama? Are there any limits or conditions on what we can ask from the Universe? Inspired by Pam Grout’s…

  • How to Manifest by Focusing Your Attention

    How to Manifest by Focusing Your Attention

    How to manifest – my results of a beginning-level experiment for manifesting simple stuff. This experiment is based on Pam Grout’s book, E-Squared. This book is one of the funniest, most enjoyable guides for calling upon the Universe and asking it to prove itself. In this series of articles, I share my experience and results…

  • Your Power to Attract Whatever You Focus on

    Your Power to Attract Whatever You Focus on

    You have the power to attract anything you want in your life. All you have to do is focus your attention on the prospect of having it. In her book, E-Squared, Pam Grout challenges us to test this simple principle. I used my power to attract and spot 15 yellow/orange vehicles and 5 yellow butterflies.…