Struggle and Suffering – Why Do We Experience Them?
Struggle and suffering have been my companions for most of my life. I have heard and read so many times that we are God/Spirit/the Divine in human form, that God/Spirit/the Divine wants us to flourish, prosper, and live a magical life beyond our imagination; but alas, that’s not my experience.
I tried meditating, using positive affirmations, mindfulness and whatever you can imagine, but the results were always temporary and short-lived. Frustrated, disappointed, and on the brink of giving up, I asked my Spirit Guides directly:
If God is individualized as me, if I am God, why do I go through so much trouble in life? Why do I experience struggle and suffer? Why have I gone through so much trauma in my life?
Through automatic writing experience, the answers start pouring, word after word, page after page. In this series of mini-lessons from my Spirit Guides, I will share their message on why humans (and I in particular) experience lack, limitations and overall unhappiness.
You Do Not Always Act as the God You Are
My Spirit Guides’ Answer: the answer is rather simple – because you are not always acting as the God you are. You consist of many components. Three of these components are your body, your soul and your Ego. It is important to note that your body and your Ego always go together, like a package deal. The purpose of the Ego is to keep the body alive for as long as possible and at all costs.
The Ego’s purpose is not to make you happy or feel good. Its only purpose is to keep the body alive for as long as possible. Therefore, the Ego sees the outer world as a limited one. This, of course, is understandable as the Ego has limited life. It is a fact that the more you live, the less life there is left for the Ego. For the Ego, everything has a beginning and an end – life, all resources, prosperity, well-being, and so on.
In other words, it is normal for the Ego to keep you in a state of limitation. The Ego does not know otherwise. This is its truth. This is true for your Ego; this is true for other people’s egos as well. Often, people mistreat each other under the influence of their egos.
The Voices in Your Mind
In your mind, you can hear the voice of your Ego and the voice of your Soul. When you are in a state of suffering, limitations, and/or pain, you live under the influence of your Ego’s voice. On the other hand, when you are in a state of joy, peace, and/or stillness, you live under the influence of your Soul’s voice.
Your Soul is eternal. The Soul does not perceive lack and limitations as the Ego does. The Soul is never afraid that the resources will finish and there will be nothing for you. Moreover, your Soul never fears that if others feel good, you will suffer. The Soul knows that if others are well, you will be even better. Your Soul knows the simple universal law: the better it is, the better it gets.
That is why, without doing anything to change the outer world, spend a few days observing yourself and the others around you. Which voice is overpowering you? Your Ego’s voice or your Soul’s voice?
Remember that to change the way you feel, you first need to change your perspective and attitude. This is your Soul. If you want to change the world or people around you, if you judge the world, the others or even yourself, this is the voice of your Ego.
The First Step to Ending Struggle and Suffering
The first step to ending struggle and suffering is the first step towards well-being and prosperity. This step is to simply observe and pick up the voice influencing you right now. Is this your Ego or your Soul? Just observe and notice. That’s all.
In other words, bring to the surface the truth, the old limiting beliefs, the limitations, the Ego. You can’t change your perspective and attitude, your inner world, without seeing and understanding your current ones.
This mini-lesson is just a quick introduction to what later will be explained in greater detail – the purpose of the Ego, the voices, the Soul’s journey, the connection to prosperity and well-being. What my Spirit Guides often emphasize, however, is that to change our lives, we need to take small and steady steps. I truly hope you enjoy these teachings and find your truth in them.