It Takes Courage To Love Yourself

Courage to Love Yourself

It takes courage to look yourself in the mirror and say out loud: I love you! I really, really love you!

It takes so much courage to face your own demons and to stand up for yourself.

It takes courage to put yourself first regardless of what others think or say about you.

It takes a lot of courage to give control of your affairs to God/Source/Universe.

It takes courage to feel free and be yourself.

It takes courage to forgive your enemies, to forgive your parents, to forgive your friends. It takes even more courage to take responsibility and forgive yourself.

And, you are that much courageous! Be proud of yourself! Celebrate your courage!

Seasons of Minutes

Seasons of minutes – through this series of minute-long reads I hope to inspire you to see the potential and possibilities to change your perspective and thus, your life.

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I am Desislava, the creator of this blog.

I’m delighted to be part of your journey to discovering the glory of life.


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