The creator of Discover the Glory of Life

Hi, my friend! I am Desislava, the creator of Discover the Glory of Life <3
My story in a nutshell
A few years ago, I was at a place in my life where I was working non-stop, studying (so I can keep working), and taking care of my family and our home… My days were passing by in a monotone manner, and I felt like a robot. There was no joy, no laughter, not even a smile.
Sounds familiar? Just read what happened next.
I couldn’t see the purpose of life. Until… I hit the rocky bottom. Ouch! It hurt!
That’s when I “accidentally” discovered the power of positive affirmations. Something inside me shifted. I was inspired and started reading and learning all I could about changing my life by changing my thinking.

The bumpy road up
It wasn’t always easy. I’d practice my positive affirmations, and they’d simply not work. Whether creating my own or using someone else’s, I’d see short-term changes but nothing impactful.
As you can imagine, I was about to give up so many times. But I didn’t. I just kept trying new strategies, sifting through many tips and advice. Until I found what worked for me.
My A-ha! Moment
One of the biggest eye-openers was the discovery that positive affirmations are not a trick-to-fix. These are not like a 3-week diet or a 5-day challenge. Using positive affirmations is a lifestyle!
Another big eye-opener was the fact that people with different learning personalities utilize affirmations differently. For example, some people get the benefits faster by writing the affirmations on a piece of paper, whereas others get the benefits faster by saying them out loud. There is no one-size-fits-all formula.
Want to learn more about positive affirmations? Want to give it a try?
Make sure to download the FREE 10-day Workbook.
Desislava Today

Today, I consider myself happy and prosperous. I take better care of myself, take time to play, and look for new and exciting things to try and learn. Every day, I see more and more positive changes in all areas of my life.
I feel inspired to share my story and experience with all of you. My dream is to live in a world where people learn and grow together and support each other.
The Meaning of Desi-Slava
Desislava is an old Bulgarian name that consists of three words:
De (short of Gde) means Where
Si means Are (as in “you are”)
Slava means Glory
When put together, the translation is Where are you, glory?
Some believe that this name was given to the army of men who were looking to concur new lands. They often did so not only for material rewards but also for the sense that they were the ones to accomplish the goal and to provide for their people.
Since I remember, I’ve been feeling inspired to look for the glory of my life. Not the vanity or the fame, but the joy of accomplishing my goals, the beauty in my world, and the appreciation of everything around me. That deep feeling of satisfaction and knowing that I am valuable to myself, our planet, and the Universe.