Welcome to Desi-Slava: Discover the Glory of Life

Learn how to release the unprocessed negative emotions with this simply technique.


As important our emotions are, they come with their energy. When we experience an emotion, a ball of energy rushes through our body. If we process the emotion, the energy is transformed and/or released. All is good, we feel light. This is more often the case when we experience positive emotions such as peace, joy, happiness, love, excitement.

When we feel negative emotions, however, they are often heavy, dense and even painful. No wonder, we prefer to push them aside, bury them or try to escape. Escape you may try, but until the emotion is processed and release, it stay in our body as extra heavy, dense energy. It feels like a ball, a stone stuck inside us.

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This series of mini-lessons explains why we struggle and suffer. It offers simple, practical exercises based on the inner love we all have.

The teachings follow the structure of:

  1. Understanding the matter
  2. Observing and identifying
  3. Choosing and practicing

It can be applied to any situation, issue or problem in our lives whether it is finances, health, relationships, etc.

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  1. Introduction – Struggle and suffering. Why do we experience them?

Every season brings its magic and wisdom. Winter prompts us to look within, relax and recharge. Spring brings hope for a new ideas, inspirations and imagination. Summer is the time to create, grow, become. Autumn is the time to harvest, celebrate and be proud of all your accomplishments.

Seasons of minutes – through this series of minute-long reads, I hope to inspire you to see the potential and possibilities to change your perspective and thus, your life.

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World peace starts with you. If you want to live in a beautiful, harmonious, peaceful world, start creating it within you. Don’t wait for others to do something, don’t wait for miracles to happen, start creating the world peace here and now.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Every morning, while enjoying your coffee or tea, take a few minutes to think of what a peaceful world means to you.
  • Create vision boards to remind you to envision the perfect world.
  • Be consistent and have no expectations of the results and the timelines.
  • Feel the freedom within your imagination, within your heart.

Even if your life is not perfect right now, even if you face one challenge or another, forget everything for 2, 3 or even 5 minutes, smell the fresh coffee (or tea), take a deep breath, and imagine (or think of) yourself free, living in a free world. It always starts with you, within your heart.

Why I created this blog…

Hi! I am Desislava, the creator of Discover the Glory of Life. I’m so excited to welcome you to my world!

Here, you can read about my vision of world peace, joyful living, and self-realization.

I hope you find inspiring ideas and motivation to keep creating the best version of your life.

Life is not about changing the outer world but about examining our belief system and reshaping our perspective. Only when we change ourselves will the world around us change.

I welcome you to dive into my little collection of inspiring articles based on my experience, opinion and messages from my Spirit Guides.

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